昨天第四节,全体高二生到冷气讲堂进行SPM报考活动..我,犹豫不决, 所以只选8科, 因为没做好准备....
本来不想考SPM, 因为没打算考...but看别人多一张文凭, 心里会不平衡...如果没有SPM文凭, 就不能在马来西亚立足, 因为政府只承认那一张文凭. 废!! 有了统考文凭, 就没必要待在马来西亚, 因为政府不承认统考文凭, 且国外也不承认SPM文凭..社会就是那么地现实!!!所以选考SPM不知是否对或错, 政府中学考SPM是全免,一分钱也不必付. 但,我们却需付出上百元来换取一张废文凭...一科科目RM10.50, 最贵RM20.50, 那如果考10科, 算算多少!!!!需要这样吗?? 还有还有, 早上正课上八节, 下午还要花时间上SPM, 又要缴费RM162 x 2两学期的总额...想想在加上要缴正课的学杂费, 买作业本及SPM参考书..一个月用了多少爸妈辛辛苦苦赚来的钱...真的很矛盾!!
问题在于没把握SPM考出来的成绩一定是理想的, 又要遭受人家的白眼歧视, 因为我们必须在最短时间内学好正课+SPM的各个科目, 有些又没上, 因为没时间. 我们不是神, 因为是人类, 不是什么都精通...
若SPM考多几科, 真的会有用吗, 很想考GEO, PERDAGANGAN, 知道没信心, 所以不选考. 省下钱更值得. 因为有统考文凭, 我不怕!! SPM 闪边站...
请问有人考BIBLE KNOWLEDGE or 中国文学史吗?如果有的话, 你真的不是人.
接下来还有统考费, UBS理帐课程, 打字课程等....要缴交, 虽然是明年, 但还是要做好准备..
Saturday, February 23, 2008
统考(UEC)+ SPM
Posted by im_lynn at 7:13 AM 0 pieces of JOY
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Not a day goes by i don't quarrel with my parents lately...it's shame to say, i know...but i just can't stand for it..Today, it supposed to be a pretty nice day to everyone..cause it's the last day of chinese new year or also known as "Chap Goh Mei" in hokkien and most of you might have a perfect reunior dinner with family. But, because of the quarrelling, i cried, and of course, it spoilt my mood for the whole long day =[ [ I know i was wrong in some situations. so i let them scold. The atmosphere now still seems weird, because i didn't talk any single word to them..if i talk, it would be like a volcano could be erupted in anytime. so, better remains silent. I'm in my room for hours, using my mum's laptop to Online..
I have to apologise to tim again, because she wants to come my house for visiting, but of this incident, i told her to come next time. SORRY `` and thanks for your concern. =)
I really hope i was living in someone else's life, hate of being like this, cause i really hate myself sometimes ={ My phone's credit due to date again, sigh*
Calm down, don't piss off!!
Posted by im_lynn at 10:29 PM 3 pieces of JOY
Monday, February 18, 2008
在人的一生中, 往往都会错过很多东西..可能是某些事物, 人, 机遇等都会与我们擦肩而过..但,很多时候我们都不自觉忽略了! 我要说的是:"如果真的错过, 就让它错过吧",这句话对我而言, 感触很深, 很有感觉, 意义重大..因为我曾经历过这种"错过"的滋味. 现在回想起来, 真的觉得有些遗憾.
很感谢这些年来让我留下这么多美好的回忆.因为你, 我学会了许多东西. 因为你, 我学会了很多做人生处世的道理. 因为你, 我更坚强更努力. 因为你, 我真的成熟了很多.也因为错过你, 我学会更珍惜拥有. 在梦中总是那么美好, 但在现实生活中都是虚幻的..
放手了,虽然有点不适应, 但, 感觉好多了...
就算以后没机会再见面, 只希望你还会记得我...
Because to me, you are just too perfect and do no wrong. I hope you will come to realize how much you really mean to me.
PUMA....wait for you ~
Posted by im_lynn at 5:57 AM 0 pieces of JOY