Hi all, i'm back..
life nowadays are moving on a busier path..and somehow i am getting lazier day by day, duuhh :[
so the first semester trails start today, weeehooo, everyone was like so nervous as this is the very last semester trials for all of the senior 3 students, because few months after, we will be leaving this bloody hell place forever.
A lot things happen lately and i just don't know how to handle it.
it's hard to express by saying out at certain things that really pissed you off and everything you can do is just bear with it & not saying out a little single word.
wtf right?
You've got everything, and you just don't know it;
you're just too good-hearted and everyone likes you.
you're being hurted at times, but at the same time you've hurted others even more and you don't know.
you cried every time, and i'm the first person to be blamed.
you asked and i gave.
you need i help.
you always think of yourself and that's what i can't bear with it..
when you're bad to others, they dare not to say or criticize but instead they still help you.
but when you've done things wrong, & i'm the one to forgive you.
and when you're in problems, people ask me to comfort, help, and solve it for you.
YOU"VE GOT IT ALL, and you're still dissatisfied, you're still blaming..
i'm not blaming you but all i can do is write. IF i say out a word, then i'm wrong again.
maybe you're right too..
this is how i'm feeling right now.
how can i be a true person when you're lying so much things..
i hope things will be nice and remain good when it's all over.
You're the lucky ones to have it all, and you just don't realize it,, how pity of you.
i've been tolerating for your doings for a long time, i hope you can make some improvements.
that's what i hope to see.

best wishes,