Thursday, December 25, 2008

Aunt Sherlyn's Wedding

Yesterday was a blast...

It's Christmas day and also Aunt Sherlyn's super great day..
& mostly important, it's a day meeting all the cousins around the world... =)

so, let those pictures speak themselves as well,

that's MR giant & Derek
here i amBen boo is here too..usthe cousinsfabulous three..nice shot ;pAlec( Lee hom from uk) & i =p's ben booo and me
posing weirdly that's her from Saudi Arab..the funniest person i've met.
geeeez...smug little grin =]
here's the group photo..
cousins from around the world
mehhh..another good shot ;p
Sebastian and me, cousin from Miri..he is great at debating..
don't play play..quite famous one

Alec, cousin from Great Britain-ENGLAND-my dream place =]

The bride and me.

& more photos on facebook. =)



JoO jOo said... are sooooo cool...
you counsins..from england!!wow!!!!

im_lynn said...

still got some from Canada, Aus, Sg, Sausi Arabia, Miri, & etc..
but no chance to take photo with them.. =D

Merry X'mas to you JOO~