Friday, June 6, 2008


Okay. Sorry for those random posts in my previous entries. not knowing where to begin and my mind is exactly in a blank of what i'm going to write next. I'm in a strange combination of feelings status lately, it's hard to express how my heart feel, but i know that i'm feeling soooo Down.
I scared those feelings have come back to me, i'm not referring to the same person as you think, but to someone that whom i had never known in my life.
I am somehow trying so hard to ignore those feelings cause i know hurts would eventually come some day, and it never heal.

i hope it's just an illusion and would only last for a while, because i'm afraid to be hurt. =[
Maybe we're perfectly not meant to be..

i'm really missing in nowhere, this time...

Jocelyn on Fri at 22:18

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