With Christmas over, it finally comes to the last piece of sheet on the calendar, and we know that the last day of the year has arrived.
I have nothing much to say..time flies..
It's too late to complain how much things you have not fulfilled and how many faults you have done in the previous years..
forget about it :D let's do better and make no regrets in the coming new year ahead..
The old year has gone and let the dead past bury its own dead, drop the old year into the silent limbo of the past. Let it go,for it was imperfect, but thanks god it can go.
May all of you be blessed with a wonderful and prosperous New Year!!
I wish HAPPINESS & JOY and blessings for the new year.
and i wish all of you the best in everything that all of you so well deserve. =)
So, c'mon, let say our last Goodbye to 2008 and Welcome 2009 ~
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Goodbye 2008 & Welcome 2009 ! : )
Posted by
7:06 AM
pieces of JOY
Monday, December 29, 2008
Here are those videos taken on Sherlyn's Wedding dinner night..
It's an truly amazing night with great performance by THEM! relatives from all over the world dancing along together....
Everyone was super HIGH.!! c'mon, take a look
The kids dance along...
& here's the videos the night spent at sherlyn's place..
Chit-chatting away with the kids & Sebastian..it's quite funny.. ;p
It's ben boo dancing..hahaha
and this's Ben boo saying "WO AI NI"...cool =D
By the way, bon voyage to Ben & family who are flying back to England today..i gonna miss em' a lot, A LOT ^^
Posted by
7:54 PM
pieces of JOY
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Aunt Sherlyn's Wedding
Yesterday was a blast...
It's Christmas day and also Aunt Sherlyn's super great day..
& mostly important, it's a day meeting all the cousins around the world... =)
so, let those pictures speak themselves as well,

Posted by
8:56 PM
pieces of JOY
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Hi everyone..
i just arrived Kuching hours ago, and i'm frigging exhausted and tired.
i will update my blog as soon as possible.
& more photos to come..heez!
Posted by
4:18 AM
pieces of JOY
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
hey hey
i'm going on vacation tomorrow...
*will be updated when i come back =]*
see you guys then..
to be continued....
Posted by
7:18 PM
pieces of JOY
Sunday, December 14, 2008
It's here Finally ;)
It's here finally,
Could you feel my heartbeat?
Posted by
4:12 AM
pieces of JOY
Sunday, December 7, 2008
When i always think of certain things, my mood sway away to the very low.
I feel like screaming, i feel like slamming, i feel like crying.
& no matter how i tried, i just can't get away from the feelings.
Posted by
3:24 AM
pieces of JOY
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Twilight trailer : ]
I can't wait to watch it =]
bless me for my Chinese papers tomorrow :)
Posted by
4:37 AM
pieces of JOY
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Posted by
5:15 AM
pieces of JOY
Friday, November 14, 2008
A break ?
Finally comes the time for a break, but only for a few days :S
4 papers down and another 4 more papers to go, awaiting me. *help*
and thanks god that two of my worst subject ( Sejarah & BM) are over. but the maths paper have totally made me mad, shit total of the frequency and the graph, the number is 40, after five time of calculating it, my answer was still 39. I don't know what's wrong with my calculator or what else that time, i was freaking nervous at that very moment. don't ask why =.=
Got back my school report card today, the results are still dissatisfied plus the deducted marks for not attending the typing class, and my position supposed to be count-ed backwards, but surprisingly, it turned out to be quite front(but not in top 10 lar, haha). and IT does really surprised me, a lot a lot. 0.0
What else.? Show you some random pictures taken recently:
Posted by
4:56 AM
pieces of JOY
Friday, October 24, 2008
i'm regret for not bringing my camera along today..
No pictures =[
& i'm looking forward to the last day of SPM. shit :(
Posted by
4:58 AM
pieces of JOY
Thursday, October 23, 2008
hey dere :D
hi people..
i think my blog would be dead for a bloody long time due to the upcoming stressful exams...=[[
I am speaking seriously now, i should work really really hard for it'' since i got back my report card week ago, the results were painfully disappointed, and it was my very first time for scoring such worse results in school, shameful to say, it was like nearly failed. =.=
so now, i have really need to put more effort on it to pull back my marks, or at least make some improvement.
I have to stay away from computer..
I have to really say no to TV..
I have to stop reading TWILIGHT..
I have to really get my history work done asap, or before exams , still have a bunch of questions to go. =[
i shall better make a pause here, and i might not going to update.
Probably will be back after trial exams or SPM. =/
Good luck to all UEC & SPM candidates.
See you then :D
Posted by
7:46 AM
pieces of JOY
Friday, October 17, 2008
Happy 18th :)
So, it's her great day today. She has just turned into 18th today(oh man, so old liao)....
She is my cousin who went by a name of Chan Min Zhi. (don't get wrong people, i'm Min Yii)
I can do nothing but a warmest post for her...
Hope you're doing great all the times & all the best in everything =D
Be patient. 49 more days to go.
i know. xp
much loves,
Jocelyn C:
Posted by
2:44 AM
1 pieces of JOY
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The last PE lesson :[
Let's show some pictures of the day:

The so-called "ah beng" aka BONG CHU HUI. Drum freak :]

"Ah pek oi ah pek"..the healthiest pek ever..whoo!!he does his daily exercises there. i've seen him for years.
He could join the next Olympic for the marathon.

No more basketball, badminton, table tennis, jogging, whateverrrrrr....
No more finding excuses to escape for it...
Posted by
7:00 AM
pieces of JOY